- Wrapped in impact -
2023.6.17 (Sat) - 7.2 (Sun)
closed on Mon and Tue
*7.2 (Sun)のみ営業時間が12:00-18:00になります。
この度、Feb gallery Tokyoではジュエラー 渡邉良太 をキュレーターとして迎え、コンテンポラリージュエリー展「YES! THIS IS JEWEL. - Wrapped in impact -」を開催いたします。ファッション、アート、富、信教、全てと隣り合わせに独自の歴史を刻んできたジュエリーは、今も自由に挑戦的に発展し続けています。15名の作家が手がける、素材にも技法にもとらわれない現代のジュエリーの数々を会場でお楽しみください。*作品は会場にて販売いたしております。
Feb gallery Tokyo is pleased to present "YES! THIS IS JEWEL. - Wrapped in impact -," a contemporary jewelry exhibition curated by jeweler Ryota Watanabe. The concept of jewelry has developed and has been expanding differently in each region. This exhibition focuses on 15 jewelry artists based in Japan. With a unique variety of objects and practices, each artist presents their own style of pursuing jewelry-making. *You can purchase artworks at the venue.
渡邉 良太
Ryota Watanabe
1997年 愛知県生まれ ヒコ・みづのジュエリーカレッジを卒業。その後2020年日本ジュエリー展under26賞受賞を皮切りにジュエリー作家として国内外で作品を発表している。無意識下でふと閃いた時に『秩序的に並んでいる物が歪んで行く』と感じ、物理法則では実現できない感覚をジュエリーに投影している。
Born in Aichi, Japan in 1997, he graduated from Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry. He won the under26 prize at the 2020 JAPAN JEWELRY COMPETITION. As a theme of his work, he projects a sense of "orderly things being distorted" into his jewelry.
instagram: @jewelry_workout
それは、かつてあなたがジュエリーというアートピースと出会った瞬間に抱いた「Wrapped in impact(衝撃に包まれる)」なのです。
キュレーター 渡邉 良太
What do you think of when you hear the word "jewelry"?
Most people think of necklaces and rings with gemstones, gold and such. But that is only one aspect of jewelry. Jewelry has always been valued for its wealth and material value. However, we humans also feel value in things we cannot see, such as thoughts and memories.
The essence of expression is to throw an impact on someone’s mind. What was the inspiration or the concept behind it? By learning more about the background of the creation, you will be able to touch on artists’ philosophy. These artworks in this exhibition will allow you to wear those philosophies on your body and to share that “impact” with somebody. It is the feeling which once hit you at the moment you saw this piece of art, the jewelry. The feeling of being “Wrapped in impact”
curator: Ryota Watanabe