PROTO 1/1 {2024.6.1-6.16}

PROTO 1/1 {2024.6.1-6.16}
「PROTO 1/1」
Figure prototype sculptor's original artwork showcase

2024/6/1 Sat -6/16 Sun
13:00 〜 20:00
休館 月曜日・火曜日
Closed on Mon & Tue



Feb gallery Tokyo

Minato-ku, Minami-Aoyama, 4-8-25, Tokyo, JP




現役で活躍している商業フィギュア原型師達とFeb gallery Tokyoによる共同企画「PROTO1/1」では、6名の原型師が手がける完全オリジナルの作品群を展示•販売いたします。



Feb gallery Tokyo presents "PROTO 1/1 - You know that crafty kid?", an exhibition of original artworks by six commercial figure-statue sculptors.

Figure collecting culture derives from media arts such as gaming, movie, anime, manga etc. is now internationally popular.
These sculptors specialize in creating prototypes of figures for the market.
Their work is highly complex and requires a flexible approach, involving not only modeling techniques but also drawing skills for body construction, industrial design for mass reproduction, a research mind and imagination for the motif character, and empathy for the needs of the public.
In this project, all of these qualities are put into the finished product as they themselves imagine it.

Returning to the roots of craftsmanship, the prototype will be made into a one-of-a-kind original work of art under the independent supervision.



石崎紗央里_Ishizaki Saori

江頭慎太郎_Egashira Shintaro


髙橋晋太郎_Shintaro Takahashi


山下マナブ_Manabu Yamashita


Ishizaki Saori


商業原型の仕事をするフリーランスの原形師/造形作家。 DOLLEL(ドレル)の制作をきっかけに自身のオリジナルデザインのフィギュアを作るアート活動をはじめる。

 Freelance sculptor working on commercial prototypes. She started her artistic activity creating figures of her own original designs with the production of DOLLEL.


Egashira Shintaro


長崎県長崎市出身。美大で彫刻を学んだ後、商業原型師として活動中。現在、KLAMP STUDIOにて主任を務めています。

 Born in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture. After studying sculpture at the college of art, he is working as a commercial prototype sculptor. Currently working as a chief at KLAMP STUDIO.





 Born 1994 and raised in Hokkaido. After studying special Effects Makeup and Special modeling for films and other media, he started working as a freelance sculptor at the age of 20. After working as a freelance sculptor for about 8 years, he joined KLAMPSTUDIO. He is into watching horror movies, ghost stories, special effects, visiting local breweries, and touring odd spots.


Shintaro Takahashi


東京都出身。武蔵野美術大学卒。合同会社ToToY代表。フィギュア原型を軸とし、造形技術を活かして様々なモノ作り日々奮闘中。オリジナルトイ「the Amazing CHEAP-TOY」発売中。

 Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Musashino Art University. Representative of ToToY, LLC. He is currently working hard to create a variety of products using his modeling techniques based on figure prototypes.

Original toy "the Amazing CHEAP-TOY" is now on sale.





「株式会社アートプレスト」内に「KLAMP STUDIO」を立ち上げ、原型制作にとどまらず商品企画・開発/パッケージデサイン等も行う。商業原型以外にも「ものづくり」全般に興味あり。デジタルでの造形もするがアナログでの造形に重点を置いている。

 After graduating from Tama Art University, he studied under Keisuke Sawada, a sculptor. He established "KLAMP STUDIO" within "ARTPRESTO Co., Ltd." and is not only creates prototypes, but also plans and develops products and package design. He is interested in "manufacturing" as a whole in addition to commercial prototype. Although he does some digital modeling, but he focuses on analog modeling.


山下 マナブ
Manabu Yamashita


2013年よりフリーランスの原型師として活動中。 表現活動として、以前の平面(油画)から立体に変えオリジナル作品制作を続ける。(スローペースで…) 僕等は今この瞬間も目まぐるしく変化し続ける現代に翻弄されながらも、自分の在処、時間、表現、を探し続けるしかないのだろう…。そんな中での「今」を描き刻み続ける。

 Since 2013, he has been working as a freelance sculptor. As an expressive activity, he has changed his work from two-dimensional (oil painting) to three-dimensional and continues to create original works. (At a slow pace...)

"At this very moment, being tossed about by the fast-changing modern society, I guess I have no choice but to keep searching for my place, time, and expression.... In such a situation, I continue to draw "now."



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