2023 non-syntax Experimental Image Festival「SISA 視差」
Feb gallery Tokyo
program @Feb gallery Tokyo
立川清志楼 映像展『生産報告命令』
1pm 〜8pm
*8月25日(金)のみ19:00まで we close at 7pm on 8/25
会期中休業日なし No days off during exhibition period
この度、Feb gallery Tokyoは「non-syntax Experimental Image Festival 2023」の会場となり、写真家 / 映像作家の立川清志楼による映像インスタレーション作品「生産報告命令」を展示いたします。また、会場別室ではnon-syntax Experimental Image Festival公募作品群から選出された映像作品を展示いたします。
Feb gallery Tokyo is pleased to present “Seisan Houkoku Meirei” (Production Report Order), a video installation by photographer/video artist Kiyoshiro Tatekawa as a part of non-syntax Experimental Image Festival 2023 SISA.
In addition, non-syntax official selection from public entries will also be exhibited at the venue.
non-syntax Experimental Image Festival 2023では、イメージの間のペネトレーション(浸透)とオーバーラップに焦点を当て、これまで様々な方法で決められてきた視聴距離が変化・変位しつづけるプロセスの中に位置づけることを試みます。SISA、「視差」(しさ)の短い響きの間は、異なる視点が行き交う作品同士の繋がりを感じながら、視線に射抜かれない隙間を徐々になぞっていくことを目指します。視線の差異は同時に、一種の斜めな姿勢を象徴しています。non-syntaxは引き続き、オルタナティブでトランスグレッシブな手法を追求し続け、現代の複雑なイメージのスペクトルの中でダイナミズムを創造していきます。
東京、青山エリア、外苑西通りに沿うように並ぶ3つのギャラリースペース(CALM & PUNK GALLERY、EUKARYOTE、Feb gallery Tokyo)が会場となり同時期に開催いたします。※詳しい会期情報は下記
[Instagram : @non.syntax]
Since 2021, the non-syntax Experimental Image begins by focusing on the experimental nature of the image in the contemporary, linking practices across countries, reorganizing existing media and genres, and bringing different images into dialogue with each other to consider the possibilities of the image.
The "non-syntax Experimental Image 2023" focuses on the penetration and overlap between images, attempting to locate the viewing distance, which has been defined in various ways until now, within a process of continuous change and displacement. In the brief echo of SISA, or "parallax," we aim to trace the gaps that are not shot through by the gaze while feeling the connections between works where different perspectives intersect. Differences in the eye simultaneously symbolize a kind of oblique attitude. non-syntax will continue to pursue alternative and transgressive methods, creating dynamism within the complex spectrum of contemporary images.
This year, Three gallery spaces (CALM & PUNK GALLERY, EUKARYOTE, and Feb gallery Tokyo) along Gaien Nishi Street in the Aoyama area of Tokyo will serve as venues for this event which will be held at the same time (not exact). For more information about dates at each venue, please see down below.
立川清志楼は主に「動物園」を被写体にあらゆる映像的実験を行っています。2020年より開始された、ひと月に5本、つまり年間60本×3=180本 の映像作品を制作するプロジェクト「第一次三カ年計画」が本年6月に終了しました。結果として200本の作品ができあがり、16回に渡る上映会が行われました。
Kiyoshiro Tatekawa conducts all kinds of visual experiments mainly using "zoos" as his subject matter.
Kiyoshiro's "First three-year plan" project started in 2020 to produce five films a month for three years (which means 60 films / a year, and 180 film / three year) was completed in June of this year 2023. As a result, a total of 200 films were produced, and during the project, 16 screenings were held.
For Kiyoshiro, steady production of works and further growth of production are the artist's essential lifeline. The gallery, structured as a body that monitors and receives reports on the artist's progress in establishing a system of stable and increased production, ordered the submission and exhibition of all the works of the "First three-year plan"
This exhibition will present the entire "First three-year plan," a three-year project, as a video installation using monitors and projectors.
【Supported by Canon】
Kiyoshiro Tatekawa
website: tatekawa-kiyoshiro.com
Photographer and filmmaker based in Tokyo.
Kiyoshiro’s subjects are mainly “zoos”. He uses experimental elements in his editing of images to produce material works that are detached from narrative. In recent years, He's been experimenting with the methods of installing images using multi projections onto scrims.
Excellence Award for Canon New Cosmos of Photography, 2020, selected by Yuki Onodera
Excellence Award for Canon New Cosmos of Photography, 2021, selected by Takashi Yasumura
「彼(私)から見える世界」Image Forum Cinematheque(Tokyo)
「写真新世紀展2020_Canon New Cosmos of Photography2020」 写真美術館_TOP MUSEUM(Tokyo)
「 写真新世紀展2019_Canon New Cosmos of Photography2019」写真美術館_TOP MUSEUM(Tokyo)
「First three-year plan 1~36」Image Forum Cinematheque、Alt_Medium, BUoY, etc(Tokyo)
「material zone=物質地帯」横浜美術館_Yokohama Museum of Art(Kanagawa)
detes for each venues:
Feb gallery Tokyo
website : febgallerytokyo.com
website : eukaryote.jp
website : calmandpunk.com